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This paper explores whether high-school sports are functional and accessible activities to keep students from school disciplinary behaviors. For this purpose, we included students racial and linguistic status, socioeconomic status, sex, and prior academic performance with the school’s proportion of free-lunch recipients and minorities, to understand how sport participation affects students of diverse groups. Additionally, the study implemented a multilevel mediation modeling to the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) data and assessed student dropouts with sequential mediators of sport participation, school misbehavior, and suspension. The findings of the study largely revealed that White students participated in sports more than Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Likewise, students who speak English as the primary language and male students participated in sports more than their counterparts. White sport participants displayed fewer incidents of suspension than White non-sport participants. Black, Hispanic, and White sport participants had lower dropout incidents than their non-sport-participating counterparts.  相似文献   
【目的】通过调查,发现国内体育核心期刊网站建设存在的问题,提出建设建议。【方法】 主要通过实地访问各刊网站了解情况,辅以文献资料法、逻辑分析法和访谈法。【结果】 体育核心期刊网站可以通过主流搜索引擎进行搜索,访问速度快,但是网站栏目设置情况参差不齐,开放存取也存在差异,更新速度不理想,新的传播手段还处于尝试阶段。【结论】 应维护官网权威,重视栏目设置,加大开放存取力度,加强网站的维护管理,使网站在体育学术传播中独立地发挥作用。  相似文献   
通过对大学生每天上网时间、使用电脑时产生的电脑综合症、治疗电脑综合症的各种方法的认可度的调查分析,并结合当今体育康复保健在治疗电脑综合症方面的研究报道,探讨体育康复保健在治疗电脑综合症中的应用前景.本文使用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法.调查结果显示,大学生存在长时间使用电脑的情况,并在由使用电脑引起的躯体反应中有较高的发生率,同时,大学生在体育康复保健治疗电脑综合症方面有较高的认可度.大学生在体育康复保健治疗电脑综合症中较高的认可度表明体育康复保健在治疗电脑综合症中有广阔的发展前景,同时,可以通过体育康复保健措施预防大学生群体电脑综合症的发生,减少使用电脑给大学生身体健康带来的负面影响.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):256-267
Much research on volunteers has focused on who the volunteers are, and what motivates them on an individual level. This study, however, aims to contextualize the long-term commitment found in a whole community of volunteers and to explain this pattern of collective volunteering not in terms of individual motivations but in terms of broader social processes. Data gathered from interviews with volunteers in Vikersund, Norway, and the analysis of local and national press coverage in the years leading up to the 2013 World Cup in Ski flying in Vikersund suggest that long-term volunteering can be understood in terms of (i) a high level of social integration (socialization, institutionalization); (ii) the creation of a collective identity focused around the ski flying hill; and (iii) the maintenance and reinforcement of strong community identity and social solidarity by local resistance to the perceived hostility of outside organizations. This focus on the broader community/social processes has implications for researchers examining sport event volunteers as well as managers of recurring sport events wishing to retain volunteers.  相似文献   
Based on quantitative data from the Norwegian Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway) study of Mosjon, Friluftsliv og Kulturaktiviteter, this paper explores trends in Norwegians' participation in sports, with a focus on young people. Norway boasts particularly high levels of sports participation as well as sports club membership and young Norwegians are the quintessential sporting omnivores. Among other things, the Statistics Norway study reveals substantial increases in participation (among young people and females especially) during the period 1997–2007, a shift in the peak of participation to the late teenage years, a relatively high level of lifelong participants, a re-bound effect in the post-child rearing years and a growth in lifestyle sports. Young Norwegians grow up in a socio-economic context of relative equality between the sexes and high standards of living. An abundance of natural and artificial outdoor and indoor sporting facilities alongside a well-established voluntary sports club sector and an elementary school system that emphasizes physical exercise and recreation, as well as high levels of parental involvement, add to the favourable socio-economic conditions to create seemingly optimal circumstances for sports participation. All these reinforce the sporting and physical recreation cultures deeply embedded in Norwegian society and embodied by the very many middle-class parents in a country which, for the time being at least, remains relatively young in demographic terms. In terms of lessons to be learned for policy towards sports and physical education beyond Norway, there may be grounds for some optimism around parental involvement in children's sport as well as the potential appeal of lifestyle sports. That said, it is likely to be the greater socio-economic equalities in Scandinavian countries such as Norway that make them unrealistic benchmarks for sports participation elsewhere.  相似文献   
攻击行为是以伤害或损害另一生物体为目的,且该生物体想要避开的任何形式(身体、心理、言语)的行为。根据自2000年以来,国内外学者对体育运动的攻击行为( Aggression in sports)的研究,从运动员攻击行为的定义、测量方法以及影响因素入手,以展示运动攻击领域的最新研究成果,并对该领域未来的研究提出了自己的想法。  相似文献   
本研究以成都农民工为样本,考察了农民工的体育参与意识/体育参与行为及其与城市融合度的关系。研究结果显示,成都农民工体育参与意识和体育参与行为较低,城市融合度较高;体育参与意识与参与行为与其城市融合度之间在统计学上不存在相关关系,参与体育运动可以促进城市融合度的假设没有得到证明。本次研究也发现对体育的积极评价与城市融合度呈现相关关系。分析认为,在理论上体育运动具有社会参与性、互动性、学习性和组织性等特征,但是在现实中,将运动仅仅视为身体锻炼的体育观念制约了农民工体育参与行为,因此,体育运动对于农民工在城市融合中的作用上还缺乏心理和现实的条件。  相似文献   
西夏法典《天盛律令》中保留了大量调整体育关系的法律规范,这些法律规范主要包括体育人身侵权法令与弓箭、马匹等军事体育器械的管理法令。在人身侵权法令中,西夏法典首次对因相扑而造成的人身伤害进行立法,这是我国目前所见文献中最早的相扑立法。而法典中的器械管理法令则极为细致、严密,从法律层面保证了西夏军事体育的强大。纵观西夏体育法令,可以发现其具有军事性、全民性、严密性的特点。  相似文献   
19世纪20年代是美国体育的黄金时代,体育明星、体育记者和营销专家共同缔造了这个时代的辉煌。在这个过程中,体育新闻写作诞生了两种截然不同的流派———“赞美派”与“讽刺派”,他们在主题选择、修辞手法等方面均有鲜明的特点。两个流派不仅在当时推进了美国体育娱乐业的建立和壮大,还发挥着持久的影响力。现在,不论是美国本土,还是中国当下的体育新闻写作均可窥见两种流派的风格遗存。  相似文献   
我国在社会转型期间面临各种文化的冲击,民族传统体育的现代化之路极不坦荡。理论的匮乏、文化的异化、价值的偏颇、传承的缺失等因素共同造成了民族传统体育发展的困惑,随着社会形态的转变,文化环境的变迁,我国民族传统体育的发展必须在政策导向与操作执行等方面进行改善,加强理论与学科体系的建设、拓宽民族传统体育的开发方式、重塑民族传统体育的价值、注重民族传统体育的传承,不断推进我们民族传统体育的现代化进程。  相似文献   
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